Thursday, September 29, 2011


Since I moved here I used to sit down on my green beautiful lawn and wonder about things. One day I came up with the idea of writing down a short story. Ever since that day I have been writing stories there and it is the place I come up with my best stories. My favorite time of the day is sunset and in the summer is better because I can see the mixture of colors collide into a beautiful orange sky that inspires me to write.

There are so especial items that I need to get my writing done. First I need my pink fluffy pen to write with because it is my favorite pen, and I think that it brings me good luck and its makes writing more special than just writing with an old blue or black regular pen. I also need to be in an outside environment where I can only hear the breezy sound of the wind and the quiet birds chirping, this helps me write as well as inspires me. One thing that I need is my lucky charm bracelet, however I lost this bracelet and it was very special to me because it was really old and my grandmother had given it to me and its un-replaceable. It is very important that I have these things because they help me in my writing.

I sometimes get writer’s block when I know that my writing is going to be published and other people are going to read it because you might make some mistakes that you don’t really notice and after you publish it will already be public and you can’t change it. Sadly, I have no way of getting writer’s block, but I don’t get it very often so that’s a good thing.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

by James Patterson 

Genre: Science Fiction, Action 
Excerpt on page 283-284: 

"Out of the corner of my eye, I detected a slight movement, and my raptor gaze locked on it. It was the little Ouija doohickey, the thing that "spirits" are supposed to guide across the board, pointing to certain letters, but everyone knows it's really the kids doing it. 
This one was moving with nothing touching it.
I looked around: No one was near. Angel was almost twenty feet away, not looking at it, still holding the angel bear. I waved my hand over it- there were no wires. It had touched the S and then the A. I lifted the game board and held it up, in case it was being moved by a magnet underneath. The pointer reached the V and headed toward the E.
I put the board back down as if it were red-hot.
The small black triangle paused on the T, then moved to the H. Then the E.
It slid very slowly toward the W, and I frowned. It moved up and over the O, and my jaw clenched. By the time it reached the R, I was ready to throw the board across the store. Grimly, I watched as it finished. The L. The D. The M, the A, the X.
Save the world, Max. "

Imagine you were experimented on… and one day you woke up 98% human… and 2% bird… 
Six kids…
Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, The Gasman, and Angel were tested at an institution called “The School”.
  As the Flock finally escapes from “The School” they learn to survive on their own but “The School” isn’t going to let one of their most valuable experiments go. As Max is trying to help her flock survive they get an unexpected visit from Erasers which are Half-Human and Half-Wolf and are one of many other hybrid species created at “The School”. The aggressive Ari also the head of the Erasers will do anything to get Maximum and all of her friends back but they refuse Erasers start attacking them. The Erasers and The Flock are both strong but soon the Erasers take over however they only manage to take back their littlest member, Angel. Angel was one of them and they would not give up until they found her… Many challenges face them….Can they do it?

Maximum is one of the bravest characters I have ever read about; only at age 14 Max is able to take on half-human half-wolf Erasers to protect her friends. In my opinion James Patterson created Max as an inspiration character that people can consider a role model. Maximum Ride will teach about friendship and the power to achieve your goals.

James Patterson in my opinion is an amazing writer; he uses voice to enhance his writing. In my opinion James Patterson’s way of writing Maximum Ride in the first person makes his book even more detailed and extraordinary. He has the ability to grab and hold the reader’s attention from the first page to the last. Patterson’s detail and uniqueness makes him one of the greatest authors and make his books so popular. 

I recommend reading Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment to anyone who likes action, and adventure and a little suspense. However, I would recommend this book to any reader out there because it is a great book that they will be sure to love.